Become a Member
Please Select Membership Type:
Please view conditions listed in our Privacy Policy. To sign up to become a member, you confirm that you: - Agree with conditions listed in the GWH Privacy Policy, and - Agree with conditions listed in the GWH Constitution. Please see the following eligibilities for each membership: (a) Individual member - Any person who identifies as a woman and supports the purposes of the Association and resides, works or studies in the Gippsland region is eligible for individual membership. (b) Associate member – staff (including auspice organisations) employed by the Association are eligible for Associate membership but do not have the right to vote or stand for election for Board positions. (c) Associate member – any person who supports the objectives of the organisation is eligible for Associate membership but does not have the right to vote or stand for election for Board positions. (d) Organisational member – any organisation whose purpose supports gender equality, women’s health and safety or other women’s interests and supports the purpose of the Association. Organisation members do not have the right to vote or stand for election for Board positions.

Member Benefits

2.1 Statement of Purpose

All GWH Members and Board of Management must support our Statement of Purpose and Philosophy.

Read more about our Constitution