Media Release | 12 January 2024
WorkSafe | WorkWell: New projects to address gendered violence at work.
The Victorian Government has announced Gippsland Women’s Health (GWH) as a successful recipient of WorkSafe’s WorkWell Respect Fund.
The Victorian Government is backing initiatives to support respectful workplaces and combatting gendered violence in health care, education and local government.
Gippsland Women’s Health (GWH) in partnership with all six Local Government organisations across Gippsland is pleased to be a successful recipient of this funding. GWH and Local Government, in collaboration with Federation University (Gippsland), TAFE Gippsland and Gippsland Centre Against Sexual Assault, aim to prevent gendered violence including sexual harassment in the workplace through co-designed capacity building, including training and resource development, through engagement at all levels of Local Government.
The WorkWell Respect Fund administered through WorkSafe Victoria supports large-scale, evidence-based projects to create industry-wide change. Each program aims to ensure workplace policy, procedures, training and/or resources are fit for purpose to prevent and reduce harm from workplace gendered violence.
Work-related gendered violence includes any behaviour that affects the health and safety of someone because of their gender, sexual orientation, or because they don’t conform to gender stereotypes. It can include sexual harassment, stalking, verbal abuse, unwelcome comments or gestures, or even threats or physical violence and can involve colleagues, supervisors, clients or customers.
“Preventing gendered violence in the workplace is achieved through systemic change. This change begins with the support and acknowledgment from the State Government, and through the commitment of Local Government leadership to take action. We are excited to continue our work and scale up our efforts with Local Councils in ending gendered violence, which continues to impact our region year on year” said CEO of Gippsland Women’s Health, Kate Graham.
This project was funded through a Victorian Government initiative.
View the Media Release by Minister for WorkSafe, Danny Pearson here:
Media contact: Mandy Macdonald
Manager Business Development and Major Projects
P 0419 115 331