
GWH Active Bystander Training

Posted On: February 28, 2023

The aim of the Gippsland Womens Health Active Bystander program is to help you notice and recognise behaviours towards someone that may be inappropriate, harmful or threatening, in everyday life.  

The behaviour maybe at work, at your local sports club or with those you care about.  It supports you to learn tools that you can use to call this behaviour out safely and help make Gippsland a safe place to live where any form of violence against women is not accepted. 

What is an Active Bystander? 

An active bystander is someone who sees, hears or is aware of behaviours that are inappropriate or threatening, and chooses to do something about it.  Active bystanders are individuals who stand up and call out attitudes and behaviours that contribute towards violence against women such as sexism and sexual harassment. 

What the training aims to do – what you will get out of it?

  • You will be supported to develop your understanding and knowledge of how gender equality helps stop violence against women and what you can do to support this
  • You will learn tools to support you with being an active bystander within your community and workplace
  • Discover three main ways we can respond to disrespectful behaviour 
  • Practice these skills in a mix of situations 
  • Explore how our choice of words and jokes can affect how we value women and girls 
  • Realise your power as an active bystander in all parts of your life! 

For more information or to book a training session, please contact our team at – admin@gwhealth.asn.au
